‘Black Swan’ LME Nickel Chaos, Vanishing LME Shadow Stocks, Chile’s “Lost Decades” of Copper Output, Shanghai Zinc Price Soars

‘Black swan’ LME nickel chaos shows regulators still missing market risks Source: Last month’s chaos in London Metal Exchange nickel trading has shone a light on the failure of a core reform from the global financial crisis to help regulators quickly spot destabilising risks in markets. The 2008 Lehman Brothers crash and bailout of insurer AIGContinue reading “ ‘Black Swan’ LME Nickel Chaos, Vanishing LME Shadow Stocks, Chile’s “Lost Decades” of Copper Output, Shanghai Zinc Price Soars”

Will Paper Gold Disappear?

Hello and welcome to Gold and Silver Assets it’s Sunday the 7th of November 2021 so today let’s talk about paper gold this is something that’s been increasingly popular amongst investors particularly in the last 15 years and there are some that believe that paper gold won’t actually survive and it will soon be aContinue reading “Will Paper Gold Disappear?”

Mad Rush of Silver Being Pulled Off of the Market

We start by looking at the silver market, including COMEX, international exchanges, and the ETFs. We see millions of ounces being pulled collectively off the market starting about 6 weeks ago. This rush to physical coincides with the #silversqueeze​ movement that we began to talk about in very late January and early February. While mainstreamContinue reading “Mad Rush of Silver Being Pulled Off of the Market”

David Jensen: Silver Shortage Could End Paper Pricing

Tom welcomes a new guest to the show David Jensen. David is the owner of Jensen Strategic and a Mining Executive and Metals Analyst. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit​ David monitors the London bullion banks and the metal lease rates. The LBMA claims to be veryContinue reading “David Jensen: Silver Shortage Could End Paper Pricing”

Shanghai booms as metals trading mirrors uneven recovery: Andy Home

Source: By Andy Home (The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters) * Global copper trading by exchange in 2020: * LME monthly volumes 2020: * LME volumes by major contract: LONDON, Jan 18 (Reuters) – China has led the industrial recovery from COVID-19 with the rest of the worldContinue reading “Shanghai booms as metals trading mirrors uneven recovery: Andy Home”

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