Matterhorn Asset Mngt: Gold as Cheap Today as in 1971 at $35, Death of Capitalism

GOLD AS CHEAP TODAY AS IN 1971 AT $35 Source: By Egon von GreyerzMay 17, 2022 “Specie (gold and silver coin) is the most perfect medium because it will preserve its own level, because having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands, and it is the surest resource of reliance inContinue reading “Matterhorn Asset Mngt: Gold as Cheap Today as in 1971 at $35, Death of Capitalism”

Politicized Money and the Death of Capitalism

Source: By Matthew Piepenburg May 11, 2022 As far as we are concerned, it is no great secret nor any great surprise that our faith in fiat money (in general) and the central bankers who have debased it (in particular) and precipitated the death of capitalism is anything but robust. To the contrary, our astonishmentContinue reading “Politicized Money and the Death of Capitalism”

How Stimulus Kills the Economy

Source: Bill Bonner  | Dec 17, 2020  Someone who is smart enough to know what he is getting paid to say. – Definition of an expert, offered by a Dear Reader’s college professor WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – No weight-loss expert was ever invited onto the Oprah show to showcase his new book, Don’t Eat So Much. Nor did anyContinue reading “How Stimulus Kills the Economy”

Dying Capitalism & the New Feudalism

Source: by Matthew Piepenburg American exceptionalism, as current COVID and capitalism disasters confirm, has morphed into a distortion that resembles more of a comorbidity than a guiding light. Despite a prior reputation for leading the world in innovation, problem solving and health care, the U.S. is witnessing record hospitalizations in a nation comprising 5%Continue reading “Dying Capitalism & the New Feudalism”

Vatican & Bankers Promise Inclusive Capitalism? and Gold, Silver, Bitcoin Market Update – Miles Harris

Market & price update for gold, silver and Bitcoin – 11th December Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism:… Miles Harris – LGA provides global macro insights and champions the importance of sound money in a world gone crazy. Subscribe to my new channel on real world economic literacy: _____________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: Any advice given on myContinue reading “Vatican & Bankers Promise Inclusive Capitalism? and Gold, Silver, Bitcoin Market Update – Miles Harris”

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