Inflation Stealthily Impoverishes the Public

Today we will focus on the definition of inflation and why how the government with the help of the Central Bank will fool many into thinking there is no inflation. We will look at how governments use inflation to confiscate the wealth and efforts of the general public and how they get away with it.Continue reading “Inflation Stealthily Impoverishes the Public”

Bundesbank Admits BIS Is at the Heart of Gold Price Manipulation

Today we will look at the topic of precious metals and in particular gold market price manipulation. We will reference a book published by the German Central Bank or Bundesbank in which they admit that the BIS or Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland was and still is instrumental in conducting interventions in theContinue reading “Bundesbank Admits BIS Is at the Heart of Gold Price Manipulation”

Below-Ground Gold Reserves Will Run Out Before Bitcoin Supply Does

Today we will look at a topic that is brought up a lot by bitcoin proponents. We are told many times by these people that there is an infinite supply of below-ground gold while there is a finite amount of bitcoin available. As we will see form official data the below-ground amount of gold leftContinue reading “Below-Ground Gold Reserves Will Run Out Before Bitcoin Supply Does”

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